Solution portfolio ECOM-S

After being approached by several manufacturers looking for solutions to the increasing demand for payment systems for electric vehicle charging, we began developing the Electric Charge Operation & Management System (ECOM-S) in early 2023, a pioneering portfolio of solutions that will transform the electric vehicle (EV) charging landscape.

ECOM-S integrates three key components: Charge Station Controller (CSC), Charge Billing & Payment System (CBPS), and a a central Charge Station Operator (CSO) backend. Collectively, these ensure secure, streamlined, and reliable EV charging operations.

Crucially, ECOM-S is retrofittable, fulfills broad regulatory requirements, and prioritizes usability, security, and availability, all at competitive operating costs. As ECOM-S is considered highly innovative by German authorities, its development is supported by the Central Innovation Program (ZIM) and the research grant (FZulG) of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK).

ECOM-S integrates seamlessly with existing infrastructure, maintains ongoing security and compliance updates, and provides comprehensive support services tailored to your needs. Its flexible pricing model accounts for various project-specific factors, ensuring cost-effectiveness.

ECOM-S combines four decades of expertise in mission- and security-critical infrastructures, payment transactions, and in cloud-based value-added services. 

In essence, it empowers stakeholders in the EV charging domain with a solution portfolio of robust and user-friendly solutions.

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